Q: What's just right for two, too much for three, to little for one....

A: A secret

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

khan academy

 Khan Academy    
This is a site about math and other stuff like black holes. I love it and I think you will to. You can do it with out a gmail account or a facebook account but it will not save   :(  Khan Academy has many lessons. Khan Academy is a great invention by Salman Khan. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I am in Barcelona, living abroad in Spain. You can see what I am doing every day. The blog is called... WAIT... why should I tell you? For all I know you could find me and then what would I do? Then you could be part of the midnight sun, how should I trust you. You could be any one. But I can not not tell you. Well you could be a good person but if I tell you then the midnight sun and you could be pretending to be nice like when max Ernest thought that mis.marvelous was good!I am not going to tell you. What's that? You want a hint? FINE... the first word is 77. That's the first word ok. What do you want now? You are lucky i told you that. But I see cheese. Yes great cheese. I love cheese. But I can not take the cheese and leave you here. Fine I will tell you the website. It is......77daysinbarcelona Done. I am getting the cheese. good bye.